NORMA Odeon Erodes Atticus Athens

June 2019

Die Italienerin Carmen Giannattasio bietet ein differenziertes Portraet der Norma. Mit schoenem, dramatischen Ton gestaltet sie die Rolle..



Σε καλλιτεχνικό επίπεδο, η Κάρμεν Τζανναττάζιο με μάγεψε ως Νόρμα. Με την ερμηνεία της πήρε όλη την παράσταση πάνω της”..” Άκουγες τη μουσική, τη φωνή της, με όλες σου τις αισθήσεις σε εγρήγορση, θέλοντας να φυλάξεις τη στιγμή στη μνήμη σου, γιατί υπήρχε μια πολύ παράξενη αύρα. Το ένιωθες ότι κάτι μαγικό συνέβαινε στις κερκίδες. Μόλις τελείωσε η άρια, το κοινό δικαίως αποθέωσε τη Τζανναττάζιο



fue toda una sorpresa por la amplitud, el temperamento y la proyección de la soprano italiana Carmen Giannattasio, una cantante temperamental y de agudos bien proyectados y sonoros, con capacidad para la coloratura que ornamentó con alguna variación de interés..Destacó en su gran aria “Casta Diva”



Cinco mil personas aplaudieron anoche su estreno en el impresionante Odeón Herodes Ático de la Acrópolis ateniense con la soprano italiana Carmen Giannattasio como estrella indiscutible.. hizo alardes de coloratura y llegó al final de la ópera, en el dúo de amor con Pollione, con recursos expresivos que elevaron al público al éxtasis



Ni un ruido se oyó en las milenarias gradas de mármol durante la función inaugural, especialmente cuando la soprano Carmen Giannattasio interpretó la legendaria aria ‘Casta diva’, muy aplaudida por el público griego..La voz de Giannattasio, conmovió como Norma, dificilísimo rol del belcanto, en un anfiteatro hasta los topes. Muy emotiva la escena donde transforma su primer impulso de infanticidio por el de la salvación de los niños.



Η διάσημη Ιταλίδα υψίφωνος Κάρμεν Τζανατάζιο χειροκροτήθηκε με μεγάλο ενθουσιασμό καθώς έπλασε μια συγκλονιστική -φωνητικά και σκηνικά- Νόρμα, ευαίσθητη και δυναμική ταυτόχρονα


UN BALLO IN MASCHERA Hamburgische Staats Oper


Mit Carmen Giannattasio sang Amelia in einer atemberaubenden Expressivität und Klangschönheit. Ihre Sopranstimme ist in einem tieferen Bereich angesiedelt, ohne damit ein Mezzo zu sein. Sie phrasierte sprachdeutlich und meisterte jegliche Klippe der schwierigen Partie ohne Probleme (z.B. in „Ecco L’orrido Campo…“ und „Ahimè! S’appresa Alcun!“). Anrührend und sprachdeutlich im Piano und Pianissimo



Carmen Giannattasio ( Amelia ) ist ein dramatischer Sopran, wie ihn sich das Opernliebhaberherz nur wünschen kann. Voll und dunkel gefärbt in der Mittellage, gleicht ihr Sopran in den Höhen einer Glocke, die aus schweren,statt leicht springenden Kristall geformt ist oder einer kleiner aus edlem, sicher schwingendem Metall. Ihre Galgenszene, die bei Schulin leider mitten auf einer hell erleuchteten Straße stattfindet, rührt zu Tränen des Mitgefühls, ebenso wie ihre Bitte an den Gatten, vor ihrem Tod den Sohn noch ein Mal sehen zu dürfen. Sie ist einfach eine Darstellersängerin, deren Besuche hier, auch in anderen Rollen mehr als willkommen wären


UN BALLO IN MASCHERA Teatro di San Carlo Napoli


“Carmen Giannattasio ci ha confermato la smodata ammirazione che nutriamo da sempre nei suoi confronti, e ci e’sembrato che la sua voce abbia ulteriormente acquistato in corposita’ e rotondità’,ricca com’e’ di armonici e compatta nel passaggio tra le zone basse e quelle alte del pentagramma”

La Repubblica


“Quello di Amelia è un ruolo sopranile che richiede lama agli acuti e ai centri un’espressività che è “del vorrei ma non posso” e un’artista che viceversa può tutto, come Carmen Giannattasio, regala al pubblico il piacere di ciò che canta ed evoca”.

Corriere della Sera


“For Amelia, Verdi wrote some of the most poignant melodies he ever handed to a soprano, and Carmen Giannattasio, making her role debut, exploited all of the possibilities. She was noteworthy for her stage presence and remarkable vocal power, giving her character a sound and lovely voice. Amelia’s Act 2 aria “Ma dall’arido stelo divulsa” was sung with amazing shades of tone, all the many high notes perfectly in tune and memorable.”



“del soprano soprano Carmen Giannattasio (Amelia) conosciamo il notevole temperamento teatrale unito a una altrettanto generosità vocale per bellezza timbrica e sicurezza di emissione”.



“Di perspicace intelligenza artistica Carmen Giannattasio, che interpreta con bravura il ruolo di Amelia”.

IL Giornale della Musica

TOSCA San Francisco Opera


Singing the primary Tosca of her profession, the Italian soprano made a memorable firm debut, shifting with youthful agility, she delivered the position with a lithe, fantastically coloured voice and contemporary, ultra-feminine demeanor.

The today press


As celebrated singer Floria Tosca, Giannattasio masterfully added one of the exemplary roles of the soprano repertory to her roster of achievements as if it belonged there all along. She boasted a lush timbre, spotless vocal phrasing and dramatic heft..

SF Examiner


“In both her role and company debut as Puccini’s tragic heroine, Giannattasio brought a ripe and captivating immediacy to almost every note she sang”

“Vissi d’arte was a marvelous centerpiece of a complex and coruscating performance”.

San Francisco Chronicle


Italian soprano made a memorable company debut. Exuding glamour and moving with youthful agility, she delivered the role with a lithe, beautifully colored voice and fresh, ultra-feminine demeanor.

The Mercury news


What we go for is, first and foremost, great singing. This was supplied by Italian soprano Carmen Giannattasio, who was making her San Francisco Opera debut and her role debut as Floria Tosca. Giannattasio has a ravishing voice, one that is especially impressive when she sings full out at the top of the soprano range. But she is by no means a singer who belts at full blast for the sake of sheer power. Giannattasio’s Tosca is a thoroughly thought out characterization, one that combines the soft, tender side as well as the passionate, jealous, and fierce side of the role.

Bercley Daily Planet


The current production is meant to spotlight the title character above all else, and thankfully, Carmen Giannattasio’s highly anticipated debut fulfills all expectations. The charming ambassador for the international opera circuit couldn’t be better suited to the role..She is wonderfully audible and lyrical throughout, and maintains character — singing softly, in a duet, or riding over a swelling orchestra. Her portrayal shifts from coquette to jealous lover or vengeful tigress on a lira, and she really looks the part.

Bay Area Reporter


…it wasn’t the furniture in Puccini’s “Tosca’’ that won the night on Oct. 3, it was an Italian diva making a starry San Francisco Opera debut..her Tosca was bold, sexy and a little imperious. She played the role for all it is worth, singing with gleaming high lines and creamy dark colors, her voice secure and thrilling in its many moods: exultant in her love, tormented by the imprisonment of her lover, desperate in learning of his fate. Her “Vissi d’arte’’ was as regal as it should be, without a trace of self-pity.

Local News Matters

LA TRAVIATA Metropolitan Opera New York


“A Legendary Performance”



“Of the many sopranos who have sung the role of the courtesan Violetta in this production, Carmen Giannattasio is in a way the most successful, because her onstage sweetness and softness contrasts so violently with the steely mood of the staging. Resembling a young Gina Lollobrigida in Violetta’s single costume, a wasp-waisted scarlet cocktail dress, she offered a ravishing mezza voce and big exciting top notes”

The Observer